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Quality Family Time! Try karate?

16th January 2020

Quality Family Time! An easy statement to make – much harder to achieve in this modern ‘always on’ lifestyle we all seem to lead these days.There are many things I’m grateful for in my life. None more so than my wonderful wife and our 4 beautiful Daughters. That and my absolute love and passion for the Martial Art discipline of Karate.

I’m humbled to have the opportunity to bring structure, discipline, coordination, confidence, strength and flexibility to the junior and adult students I teach in our local community.

Bringing a healthy, physical activity that families can genuinely train, compete, travel and experience together is rare. Karate is just such a practice. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to see mum’s and dads with their children on our dojo floor enjoying time learning and growing in capability together. Away from the TV and the multi-screen, multi device social media epidemic that seems to be enslaving our kids today.

Traditional Shotokan Karate Federation Five Dock, belonging to a National body within Australia and a World-Wide association ISKF (International Shotokan Karate Federation) offering access to some of the best instruction in the world right here in Five Dock.

I get to train with my youngest Daughter (Heidi) and see her thrive. Nothing gives me greater pleasure and I know that our parents who train with their kids feel the same. Make 2020 the year you begin training, learning and bringing Quality Family Time with your family.

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